Why Us

Manager of "Nitriding" is prof. Angel Zyumbilev who defended a doctoral dissertation in the field of nitriding of materials in low temperature plasma. He has over 75 publications in the field of thermal and chemical engineering treatment of metals, as the majority of the works were published in local and international scientific journals and in collections of international congresses and conferences in the U.S., Canada, Iran, Serbia, Greece Macedonia, Turkey, Romania and Croatia. He is a member of the American scientific organizations ASM International, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS).
The most important reasons for picking "Nitriding" for your business partner are:
Our primary goal is to provide our customers with advanced surface treatment solutions at the most economical price and the fastest delivery possible.
Our commitment extends to keeping pace with advances in the surface treatment industry. From the initial evaluation of your application to the field testing to the product, we will work with you through each step of the process to ensure the best possible result.
Customer Care
"Nitriding" is 100% dedicated to the client. If you have a challenging application, or a problem with an existing coating, contact us today.